Aperture Investments: Rethinking Active Management 2024

Aperture Investments, started by industry expert Peter Kraus, is a unique asset management company that is testing the standard active management model. By matching its goals with those of its clients through a pay-for-performance fee system, Aperture is shaking up the investment business and providing strong results for investors.

A New Approach to Active Management

Aperture Investments was formed with the goal of solving the flaws of the standard active management plan. Kraus noted that the standard fee structure, which pays managers with fixed fees regardless of performance, creates skewed incentives and can lead to asset bloat and closet inflation.

To fight these problems, Aperture has adopted a completely different fee system. Rather than asking high base management fees, Aperture charges a low base fee similar to that of an ETF and only takes a performance fee if the manager beats the appropriate benchmark index. This pay-for-performance approach ensures that Aperture’s goals are directly linked with those of its customers, as the company only makes large fees if it provides alpha.

Carefully Selected Managers and Strategies

Aperture’s success is built on its ability to find and work with great investment managers who believe in the firm’s strategy. These managers are paid based on their ability to create extra returns, motivating them to focus on performance and capacity management.

Aperture’s strategies are meant to be capacity-constrained, ensuring that managers keep their opportunity set and avoid the dangers of asset bloat. The company carefully picks relevant standards for each strategy, trying the connection of the portfolio to the index to ensure a clear alignment.

Aperture’s Investment Process

Aperture’s investment method is based around a three-way relationship between the company, its portfolio managers, and its customers. The company works closely with its managers to provide help and resources, while also closely tracking performance and capacity.

When choosing strategies, Aperture looks for managers with a proven track record of producing alpha, a clear investment theory, and a commitment to capacity discipline. The firm performs thorough due research, studying factors such as the manager’s investing process, risk management, and business infrastructure.

Once an investment is made, Aperture keeps an active role, working with the manager to ensure that the plan stays on track and that capacity is handled effectively. The firm also offers regular feedback and contact to its clients, ensuring openness and responsibility.

The Impact of Aperture’s Model

Aperture’s unique method to active management has had a major effect on the investment business. By matching motivations and focusing on performance, the firm has proven that it is possible to produce attractive results in capacity-constrained strategies.

Since its start, approximately half of Aperture’s funds have produced alpha above their standards, showing the success of the firm’s plan. Aperture’s success has also put pressure on standard active managers to rethink their fee structures and match their interests more closely with those of their clients.

Challenges and Criticisms

While Aperture’s plan has been generally praised, it has also faced some difficulties and complaints. One frequent complaint is that the firm’s high performance fees may be a barrier for some investors, especially those who are risk-averse or who prefer more stable results.

Another problem is the difficulty of regularly producing alpha in a competitive and efficient market. While Aperture has been successful in finding bright managers, there is no promise that these managers will continue to succeed over the long run.

The Future of Aperture Investments

As Aperture Investments looks to the future, it is well-positioned to continue its success and growth. The firm’s focus on innovation and its commitment to matching goals with customers have positioned it as a star in the active management area.

Going forward, Aperture plans to continue growing its range of strategies and relationships, while also exploring new possibilities in areas such as private markets and alternative investments. The firm is also dedicated to staying at the top of industry trends and changing its model as necessary to produce the best possible results for its clients.


Aperture Investments has proven that it is possible to rethink active management and achieve strong results for clients. By matching rewards, focused on results, and keeping a client-centric focus, the firm has set a new standard for the financial business.

As more investors seek out active managers who can regularly beat their standards, Aperture’s plan is likely to continue getting ground. While the firm meets challenges and complaints, its creative approach and dedication to quality place it well for continued success in the years to come.

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